Decree-Law no. 26/2022, of 18 March, amends the Portuguese Nationality Regulation

Decree-Law no. 26/2022, of 18 March, amends the Portuguese Nationality Regulation

Decree-Law no. 26/2022, of 18 March, amends the Portuguese Nationality Regulation Amendments to the Nationality Law were regulated with regard to:

- Attribution of original nationality to individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigners

- Acquisition of nationality by adoption

- The acquisition of nationality by naturalization

- Alteration of the regime of opposition to the acquisition of nationality, and to the new regimes of nullity and consolidation of nationality.

- Attribution of original nationality to individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigners:

Organic Law nº 2/2020, of 10 November, introduced the amendment to the Nationality Law, determining that individuals born in Portuguese territory, children of foreigners, who are not in the service of the respective State, are Portuguese by origin, who do not declare that they do not want to be Portuguese, provided that, at the time of birth, one of the parents legally resides in Portuguese territory, or has resided here, regardless of title, for at least one year

- The acquisition of nationality by naturalization:

Article 24-A, which concerns the Naturalization of foreigners descended from Portuguese Sephardic Jews, will enter into force on September 1, 2022, with the exception of paragraph 4).

- Alteration of the regime of opposition to the acquisition of nationality, and to the new regimes of nullity and consolidation of nationality.

An electronic procedure was also established for individuals (mandatory for lawyers and solicitors)

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